Writer’s Unblock: Defeating Writer’s Block Inside Out
Writing is one of the essential forms of communication. Written communication can be in various forms like technical writing, blogs, articles, emails, letters, proposals, etc. When writing any content, it is crucial to have a free flow of thoughts and ideas. Any obstruction in the thought process can effect the writing process and the writer may not be able to comprehend their thoughts to words.
Have you had a hard time continuing something you wrote or even starting a fresh blog? You know what you want to write about but you feel like you have lost the words. Sometimes you start panicking and start thinking less of yourself? Get some fresh air, breathe and read this article :P
When you can’t start or continue a piece of writing, its not that you can’t write, or you are not creative enough. What you are going through is called “The Writer’s Block”, and most writers go through this unpleasant experience.
So what is this villainous thing that keeps us from writing? Let’s take a look,
Writer’s block is a condition in which the author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences creative slowdown. The difficulty may occur when producing new ideas or even during the continuation of an incomplete work. Writer’s block mostly occurs due to the conflict between the goal of writing well, and the fear of writing poorly. Between these two forces, the creative flow gets blocked.
Also known as the blank screen syndrome, this phenomenon causes a paralysis on the flow of thoughts and ideas and deprives a writer to produce a new creation. Why its called the blank screen syndrome? Because sometimes, it becomes terrifying for the writer to face a blank screen.
So, what causes this to happen? Is it that my right brain has stopped functioning? Was I never creative enough? Should I give up writing and go back to the bank job, I had left to start my writing career?
Wooooaaahhhh hold on!
We all know writing is a challenging mental process. It requires utter focus, dedication, and time. There are many psychological and external factors affecting the state of mind of a writer, causing the blockage in his/her cognitive capabilities. Moreover, these factors can be anything from distraction, procrastination, and even fear of getting ridiculed. Some of the most common causes of writer’s block are:
Most people use perfectionism as a protection mechanism to protect themselves from harsh critique or failure. Unfortunately, trying to write the perfect sentence, paragraph, or novel will lead most writers never to write a single word.
Perfect is the enemy of the good; if we always strive for perfection, we will not even reach the level of “good.”
Most writers compare their work with the works of other, more successful writers. Creative writing is a daunting task. It is a skill that ripens with time and the amount of effort we pour in. Most writers criticize themselves way early on the process. Unrealistic expectations of oneself make us criticize our work. While we end up comparing out prototype 1 with prototype 10 of others, we won’t even be able to reach prototype 2.
Being anxious about one’s writing capability or the outcome of the writing itself can result in writer’s block. Whenever we are anxious, it makes us lose focus and interest in the thing we are doing and focuses on the worry instead. Fearing rejection, or setting a high expectation of oneself can lead to anxious behavior which can block the creative flow and hampers the writing process.
In an era where we are connected all the time, it has become almost impossible for people to concentrate on their work. Writing is a cognition-heavy task, and when distracted frequently, it is difficult to put our thoughts together and write. If I am checking my phone every 5 minutes while I am seated down to complete an assignment, I won’t be able to write a single sentence in even an hour. Distraction is never a friend of creativity.
Lack of research
Whenever we are writing on a topic, we must research thoroughly on that topic. The more we know, the more we are confident in what we are delivering to our audience. Research always provides us with new topics to write and content to update. It always keeps the writer in a flow. After a thorough research, we can prepare an outline and structure the writing process. We can always benefit from research and planning ahead of time.
Now that we know what causes this obstruction, let’s find out how we can overcome this block and let out creativity take a never ending flow.
Overcoming the block
Some useful strategies that can be helpful are explained below:
Confidence - you have something important to say:
One of the major stressors for writers is the misconception that they do not have anything important or unique to offer. For any writer, it is essential to understand that they have a great deal to offer.
Confidence is an incremental sequence of experiencing success in writing and developing the ability to write about abstract concepts.
Confidence musters up ideas and makes writers able to write it down when necessary. Most of the time, having the confidence that we have something valuable to offer and delivering it, is the best way to avoid writer’s block.
Stop delaying - “now” is the time:
Most of the time, writers get indulged in a vast topic and get confused as to where to start. Writers need to identify and prioritize the topics. Also, delaying the writing and shifting it from time to time is a way to avoid writing. We should briefly plan on what we want to write about, create an outline, and then start writing there and then. When you sit down to write, there is no better time than “now’ to start.
Comfort - find yourself a comfortable time, place, topic to write about:
Comfort is one of the most critical factors that affect a writer’s writing habits. Finding the right place and time is very important for productive writing. Writing during the peak hour of productivity, in a setting with minimal distractions is one of the most effective ways to reduce writer’s block and foster productivity.
Recognize yourself - reward yourself after each step of the process:
Writing is hard work, and in order to make it fun, we should recognize and reward ourselves for writing. When we are writing for the sake of our task, it becomes monotonous and boring. When we include prizes and small appreciation by rewarding, we are more likely to continue writing. A pat on the back for writing or completing a significant part of the article, can boost a writer’s confidence.
Take breaks -give yourself some time:
Writing should not be monotonous and dreary. If and when we feel like we are running out of ideas, take breaks. Going for a walk, listening to music, a change of environment, or even sleeping it off can help to continue writing or completing it.
Start writing -now is the right time:
The most effective way to avoid writer’s block is by starting to write. Writing a few lines can be a huge help to restrain from writer’s block. Create a manuscript, make an ordered outline of what you want to include in your writing. The first paragraph can be the hardest, but after you finish the first paragraph, it will get easier as it goes.
Honestly, I was having a writer’s block before I started writing this blog. I was confused if I could deliver what I wanted to say. But here I am, writing the concluding lines of this article.
Writing should not be taken as a task or a monotonous activity. It should be fun. Experiencing writer’s block is common, let’s not try to run away from it. Now that we know how we can overcome this villain, let’s start making our creations the heroes.